Tucson Tragedy

Much Could Be Said About the Tucson Tragedy

          There is so much that could be said in the aftermath of the horrific tragedy that occurred last week in Tucson, Arizona.  We could comment on the missed opportunities to stop a deranged madman by a sheriff who was more interested in his own political agenda…a sheriff who attempted to deflect attention from his own shortcomings by blaming the entire conservative movement for the actions of one individual.  Never mind that the assassin was a psychotic killer who paid more attention to the communist manifesto than to the news media!  

          We could comment on the inappropriate political atmosphere at the memorial service, which paid little more than lip service to the victims of this egregious (see WOW) crime.  Expecting a somber tribute to those who were brutally murdered, a tribute in the manner of President Reagan’s memorial service for the 248 servicemen who lost their lives in the Newfoundland airplane crash in 1985, the American people were instead treated to what amounted to a college pep rally.  

          Or we could comment on the occurrence of yet another violent public incident during the short watch of the Obama Administration.  Perhaps the increasing frequency of such occurrences should not be surprising when we have a Department of Justice which is more interested in targeting the Ten Commandments than corralling criminals.  The real story here, however, is the absurd reaction to this incident by the liberals in America and that above all else is worthy of comment. 

The Absurd Response of the Liberals 

          For the strident left wing liberals in our country to say that conservatives are responsible for the lack of civility in our political discourse today is a little like the proverbial pot calling the kettle black.  But that is just what they tried to do in blaming the Tucson massacre on Tea Party Patriots, Republicans, Talk Show Hosts and you and I personally, pulling back only after they were stung by the tremendous backlash of an outraged citizenry.  It was just too much for most Americans when liberals began the blame game within hours of the incident, attempting to make political hay from the deaths of innocent people. 

          Are these the same liberals who elected an unknown community organizer (read that ‘rabble rouser’) to the presidency?  Are these they same liberals who readily accept the support of the unions across America, known for their confrontation tactics?  Anyone who has sat across the table from a steward of one of our increasingly militant unions has definitely been on the receiving end of harsh rhetoric.  Clearly, union stewards are specifically trained to be intimidating bullies.  And what about the angry mob of union shop nurses that recently camped outside the private home of California Gubernatorial Candidate Meg Whitman!  Oh, and we haven’t even mentioned Obama stalwarts like the irreverent Reverend Jeremiah Wright and terrorist Bill Ayres! 

          Contrast these folks with those participating in the Tea Party rallies, which can draw tens of thousands of Americans from all walks of life.  The world has witnessed how these gatherings focus on the positive in America, proceed without incident and then leave no trace in their wake.  Yes, the left wing liberals need only look inward to find the source of the violent rhetoric in this country.  As has been said many times, the difference between conservatives and liberals is that conservatives disagree with liberals but liberals hate conservatives. 

A Tribute to the Victims             

           Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and the families of the victims of this senseless tragedy.  We pray for a fast and full recovery of those wounded in the attack, including U.S. Rep Gabrielle Giffords.  We decry the tragic loss of human life and pray that the following individuals may rest in peace: 

Christina Taylor Green, age 9

Gabe Zimmerman, age 30

Judge John Roll, age 63

Dorothy Morris, age 76

Dorwan Stoddard, age 76

Phyllis Schneck, age 79