Schizogenderism Is a Mental Illness

Schizogenderism Is a Mental Illness

          Any sane individual would agree that a man who would voluntarily have his genitals mutilated has a serious mental illness.  Let’s face it, ‘transgenderism’ is a euphemism created by those who would have us believe that these individuals are normal.  Sorry, but you don’t get to name your mental illness.  Schizogenderism is a much more appropriate term to describe individuals with this mental disorder, which has its own code in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10, 2017).  Since medical experts throughout the world recognize this as a disease, an individual with this disorder is no more qualified for military service than someone with diabetes, asthma or schizophrenia.

Schizogenderism Is a More Accurate Term than Transgender

          Why is schizogenderism a more accurate medical term for this disorder?  As an example, let us look at the term schizophrenia which is derived from Greek.  Schizo means to divide, separate, cut or split.  Phrenia has to do with the mind.  Thus, the term schizophrenia refers to a division or breakdown between thoughts and feelings of the mind.  Schizogenderism, then, is a division or breakdown between an individual’s actual gender and the gender they want to pretend they are.   

Child Abuse and Medical Malpractice

          Parents who encourage their children to act like they are schizogendric are committing child abuse and those children should be removed from the home.  Doctors who participate in the chemical castration of children or the genital mutilation of anyone should have their medical licenses to practice immediately and permanently revoked.  For substantiation that a significant majority of Americans concur with this view, one need only look at the results of the last presidential election where the open acceptance, even promotion of schizogenderism by the liberal Democrats was simply a bridge too far.  

The Bottom Line

          Despite what the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ political action committee would like us to believe, schizogendric individuals are actually extremely rare.  It goes without saying that individuals who are truly afflicted by schizogenderism should be treated with respect, sensitivity and compassion, just as we would treat someone with any other illness.  And they should only be treated by a psychiatrist, not a surgeon or an endocrinologist.