Sound Off

Let’s Hear From You

Race Relations under Obama

Race Relations under Obama Have Tanked

          The demonstrations at the University of Missouri, Columbia this week are just the latest manifestation of how race relations have deteriorated during the Obama years. Despite the election of our first Black president and years of ‘Black privilege’ in the form of affirmative action, welfare benefits and everyone else measuring their every word when speaking of or with people of color for fear of inadvertently hurting their feelings, the students at UM still claim to be victims of ‘systematic oppression’. Well, listen up, children! Oppression is what the citizens of Iran and North Korea suffer every day. You are not oppressed. You live in the greatest country in the history of the world and, what’s more, you are going to college. You need to quit wallowing in victimhood and be thankful for all the wonderful blessings you enjoy. So many great Americans of color have bought into the American Dream and made something of themselves. You can, too! Unfortunately, the anti-American antics of Black Lives Matter, Concerned Student 1950 and other phony socialist front groups have only alienated the white Americans who once supported their cause.  You folks had better shape up.  The rest of the country is losing its patience!  Uh-oh, I better check and make sure it’s ok to say ‘folks’. 

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Enough with the Transgender Nonsense

Transgender Nonsense

          Perhaps the pendulum has finally reached its apex and is about to swing back. We are encouraged by reports that students at a Missouri high school have been protesting a policy that allows a ‘transgender student’ (who is actually a teenage boy) to use the girl’s restrooms and locker rooms. This disturbed young man was offered a unisex locker room, but ‘nooo’! He wants to change with the girls.

          Before they have been fully indoctrinated by the liberal progs who have invaded our schools, kids inherently know what’s right and what’s wrong. They know that if you are born an anatomical male, you are a male and nothing can change that. But the liberals have systematically recruited students and encouraged them to act in ever more bizarre ways and then they wonder why there is a problem with bullying. As in this case, they encourage cross-dressing, which usually makes a person look like a clown, and then they wonder why 41% of transgender individuals attempt suicide compared to a national average of just 4.6%. The liberal progs also wonder why schools don’t have enough money and students aren’t learning. Hello! They’re wasting time and money on ridiculous issues like this!

          Of course, we want to express our love and concern for all individuals suffering from gender disturbance disorders. They do not need a lawyer or a surgeon. They need a good psychiatrist who can help them through this serious psychological affliction. For more information, check out this excellent article that gives more detail on the student protests in Missouri:

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Unspeakable Barbarity

An Indelible Image of Depraved Barbarity

          There is a photo circulating on some news and social media sites which is so horrible that I haven’t been able to get it out of my mind.  It shows a little boy around five years old hanging from a rope, allegedly killed by Muslims because his family was Christian.  It is difficult to know whether photos like this are authentic, but if this one is, it has to be one of the most horrible things I have ever seen.  One can’t help but imagine the terror this child experienced at the hands of his captors.  One also has to wonder whether he was forced to watch his parents meet the same fate before him.  He must have suffered greatly as he was slowly asphyxiated to death. 

The World Has Seen Such Evil Before

          That any human being would do this to anyone, let alone a precious child, is beyond comprehension.  This evil act shows the extent of depraved barbarity exhibited by the Islamic Terrorists and should be a wake-up call for every peace loving person in the world.  It is impossible not to be horrified by this image.  To see something evil like this and not act against it would be to repeat the mistake of those who stood by during the horrors of Nazi Germany in the 1930s.  Let all decent people throughout the world resolve to wipe this hideous scourge from the planet.

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Mail Truck Loaded with Conservative Mailings

Where Did My Contribution Go?

Direct Mail Fundraising Campaign Ate Up My Contribution

          There are many great conservative organizations out there working hard to preserve the values and heritage of our wonderful country.  Like many of you, I have selected a few of them which I believe are particularly effective and I send a modest annual contribution to each of them.  My thinking is that if every conservative sent a little contribution to a number of organizations, they would each have enough money to keep their good work going.  What I am finding, however, is that for the next year or so whatever money I sent is spent on postage by some of these organizations in an attempt to get me to send more money.  And some of these mailings are in huge envelopes weighed down with pointless surveys and other materials that cost a lot of money to produce and print.

Today's Mail: A Barrage of Direct Mail Fundraising Requests
Today’s Mail: A Barrage of Direct Mail Fundraising Requests

Mailman Gives Me a Dirty Look   

          My mailman even gives me a dirty look when he delivers my mail these days.  Not that he minds having a lot of mail to deliver, because that helps justify his job, but the handful of envelopes that arrive each day are plastered with conservative messages and anti-Obama slogans.  As a member of the American Postal Workers Union, he is surely a liberal Democrat, slathering over the ‘anointed one’ like all good Obamatrons.  It must really rankle him to have to handle and deliver these ‘tainted’ missives.  And it rankles me to have to rummage through them looking for my important mail and then to have to shred the junk mail.

Mail Truck Loaded with Conservative Mailings
Mail Truck Loaded with Conservative Mailings

Could I Opt Out?

          I know direct mail fundraising is crucial to the survival of many of these organizations, but it is frustrating to see my money essentially wasted on me.  It would be great if there were a way for minor contributors like myself, who just want to show their support for these organizations, to opt out of future mailings.  While I do make additional contributions around election time, particularly to individual candidates, I do not plan to make more than one contribution a year for the most part and would like to see my money go for something more worthwhile to support the conservative cause by these organizations. 

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