A Balanced Budget

A Great Year for America

2017 Has Been a Great Year for America

          As 2017 comes to a close, let’s look back at what a truly remarkable year this has been for America.  The election of Donald Trump as President of the United States has brought many great things for our country.  Since his inauguration last January the economy has boomed and the Bush-Obama Depression is finally over.  By cutting regulations, decreasing corporate tax rates, and eviscerating Obama’s socialized medicine program, we have seen unprecedented improvements in the economy.  The unemployment rate is at record lows, the economy has grown, the stock market has gained 5,000 points in one year for the first time ever and this stronger economy has been able to withstand upward corrections in the prime interest rate.  Illegal immigration has decreased considerably.  Our military has gained strength.  Societal norms have been reestablished and the chilling effect of ‘political correctness’ on free speech has been stifled.  And ISIS, which flourished under Obama, has been wiped from the map.  Our allies respect us and the United Nations no longer holds sway over how we conduct foreign policy, as seen by President Trump’s bold and sensible decision to recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.  What an amazing year for America!

The Agenda for 2018

          There is much to be done in the next year in the quest to Make America Great Again.  First and foremost, Trump must correct the one misstep of his first year…the appointment of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General.  This poor choice ended up as a double whammy for our country…a do-nothing Attorney General plus the loss of the Alabama senate seat.  Sessions must be replaced with a dynamic legal expert like Congressman Trey Gowdy of South Carolina.  Next, the wall along our southern border must be built, chain migration must be ended and limits and strict controls must be placed on immigration in general.  It would be a perfect compromise to allow the ‘Dreamers’ to stay (DACA) in exchange for these immigration reforms, but don’t hold your breath hoping that the Democrats will agree to that.  Speaking of Democrats, we, as Americans, must recognize and come to terms with the fact that there is a large, pervasive and well-organized Socialist/Marxist/Communist movement afoot determined to bring our great country down.  We must deal with this swiftly and decisively, beginning with putting an end to the indoctrination of children in our public schools and institutions of higher learning.  Finally, by year’s end we must show a decrease in the national debt.  If we can do all these things, America truly will be great again and Donald Trump will go down in history as one of our greatest presidents. 


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Economic Armageddon

Is the U.S. Economy Headed for Collapse?

          Last week the United States federal debt surpassed the $19 trillion mark. Almost half of that has accrued since Barack Obama took office in 2009, highlighting the exponential growth rate of our indebtedness. While it is true that both the Democrats and the Republicans are responsible for this national disaster waiting to happen, it is the spending frenzy of the left that has pushed us to the brink. In 1980 the federal debt was about 30% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP or total value of goods and services produced by the people of the United States during a year). The federal debt has now surpassed 100% of the GDP.

Borrowing from China to Give Aid to Pakistan

          It is of grave concern that foreign countries, not necessarily friendly to the United States, are loaning us money so that we can pay for all the goodies and then collecting interest on that debt. In 2015 the United States paid $223 billion (more than 6% of the federal budget) in interest on the national debt. As interest rates rise and we borrow more and more money, the amount of interest we pay will go up significantly. If you are not happy that your hard earned tax money is given as foreign aid to countries like Pakistan, consider this. Now, your taxes are going to pay for the interest on the money we borrowed from China so that we could give it to Pakistan!

Irresponsible Mismanagement of the Federal Budget

          This reckless and irresponsible mismanagement of the federal budget simply cannot be sustained. Many wonder if the recent wild volatility of the stock markets could be a harbinger of impending economic collapse in the United States. If and when that time comes, it is ironic that a new, fiscally responsible Republican president could be blamed for it if it occurs during his or her term in office. With so much at stake, is it any wonder that many Americans are sheltering their money in UTMs*!

*Under the Mattress

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Socialism Doesn’t Work!

Democrat Talking Points

Socialism is a broad term describing an economic system where the means of producing and distributing goods is owned supposedly by ‘the people’, but more often by a centralized government run by a small group of elite individuals (think Haavaad professors) who plan and control the economy.  The goal of socialism is to eliminate competition and private property and to redistribute wealth.  While this sounds an awful lot like the Democrat Party talking points, this brief explanation actually describes the main theories of socialism.  In Marxist-Leninist theory socialism is considered to be a transitional state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism, which includes political control as wells as economic control of its subjects.

Capitalism Does the Most Good for the Most People

Socialism doesn’t work and never has.  Capitalism does work and has proven to be the economic system that does the most good for the most people.  We are now witnessing the tragic and frightening consequences of Europe’s dalliance with socialism and would be well advised to see this as a warning before it’s too late.  The general election of November 2012 will be the most important election of our lifetime, because it will be our last opportunity to turn away from the socialist path down which the current administration has led us.  The following video gives a succinct (see WOW) account of socialism which is illustrated through an exchange between the best president and the worst president in recent U. S. history.  Even Debbie Wasserman-Schultz might be able to understand this!


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Where Did California’s Education Money Go?

Outrageous Benefits 

          Simply stated, California is bankrupt and can no longer fund higher education at the level it had previously.  The state’s financial crisis has been caused by the typical liberal scenario of overtaxing its citizens and then spending the state’s treasure on everything but that for which it was meant, in this case higher education.  How did Sacramento squander the funds meant for the California State College and University system, you ask?  Let me count the ways!  Public employee unions have managed to secure outrageous benefits for their members, including early retirement with pensions that put many in the ‘100K Club’, as well as disability and medical benefits that us ordinary working folks would literally die for. 

          As just one example of the abuse, the spiking of retirement pensions with disability claims is so common that it became known as ‘Chief’s Disease’ in the California Highway Patrol.  It is estimated that 4 out of 5 CHP senior managers become disabled in the final year before they retire and two thirds of the regular officers retire with a disability.  Add this to their yearly retirement pay of up to 90% of their salary beginning as early as age 50 and you can begin to see the problem.  California taxpayers will now be stuck for years funding these benefits.  Some of it will have to be paid with money that was meant for higher education, so unfortunately students will have to share in this burden. 

Squandered Treasure 

          Thanks to these same Democrat legislators, taxpayer’s money is also being used to provide generous benefits for those who are in the country and therefore the state illegally.  Illegal immigration is estimated to cost California $22 billion each year.  Wow!  That’s almost the entire $25 billion budget deficit projected for California in 2012.  So what did the legislators do to stop this fiscal hemorrhage?  They passed the California Dream Act which provides taxpayer funded scholarships to students whose families are in the country illegally!  As magnanimous as this may sound, some would argue that it provides a privilege for these students which students from other states are not accorded.  I think we can all agree that this program simply spends more money that California does not have!  The end result will be to encourage more people to come to California illegally, which will in turn perpetuate the fiscal crisis. 

          In addition, with the state now insinuating itself into every aspect of its citizens’ lives, the accompanying bureaucracy devours money like a slot machine at an Indian Casino.  With the growing state workforce needed to administer all the new regulations there will be even more people getting outrageous retirement, medical and disability benefits.  The Democrat packed legislature just doesn’t understand that by increasing regulations and raising taxes and fees on just about everything they have also driven businesses out of California at an alarming rate.  The resulting increase in unemployment and loss of tax revenue complete the vicious cycle.  It is indeed a sad state of affairs in the ‘left coast’ state of California where for many years the ‘tax and spend’ liberals have had an iron grip on the legislature.  Higher education is one of the casualties, so college students are now being asked to pay more tuition and fees…and they are rightfully upset. 

Coming Next:  California’s Failing Public School System 

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