Sound Off

Let’s Hear From You

Hell to You Our Alma Mater

Stop Contributing to Your Liberal Alma Mater        

          There’s something sacrosanct about the schools we attended, whether it be grammar school, high school, college or professional school.  The memories of good friends, fun activities, great teachers and graduation day stay with us throughout our lives and compel us to return periodically for reunions.  Over the years I have attended and enjoyed many of these gatherings and have nurtured lasting relationships with many of my classmates.  The affordable education I received back then has made a tremendous difference in my life…not just to my career, but to me personally and to my appreciation of the incredible world we live in.  Unfortunately, the college I attended has, like so many others, become a bastion of liberal indoctrination, basically a continuation of the brainwashing that takes place in today’s public schools.

Instead Send Your Contribution to Campus Conservative Groups

          While I still maintain my active membership status in the alumni association, I stopped sending my annual contribution several years ago.  Instead, each year I send what I would have sent to my alma mater to one of the excellent organizations listed below that promote conservative principles on campus, basic principles like free speech and the many other singularly American ideals embodied in our constitution.  In this way, I feel that I am still contributing to my college and that my money is going to help make it better.  I must admit, it does give me some satisfaction to let the college administrators know that I am sending the money they would otherwise have received to a conservative student group on their campus.  I also let them know that I will not be remembering them in my estate plans unless they make some major changes.

Don’t ‘Be True to Your School’

          The surfer song, ‘Be True to Your School’ might have been relevant in 1963 when it was released by the Beach Boys, but we should feel no obligation to financially support the schools we attended if they are now promoting socialism and hate for our great country.  Instead, join me in supporting some of the excellent conservative organizations on both high school and college campuses.  There are thousands of conservative students throughout the country just waiting for someone to give them a little encouragement and nothing says ‘I’ve got your back’ like a little financial support.  So, why not be the first to charter a chapter of one of the outstanding conservative campus organizations at your old alma mater.

Conservative Campus Organizations Worthy of Our Support

Young America’s Foundation

Young Americans for Freedom

Campus Reform

College Republicans

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Lessons Learned from the Left

The radical left wing liberals in our country have employed nasty tactics which conservative Americans should not be afraid to use in return.

Table Democrat Legislative Proposals:  As Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid had the power to determine which legislative proposals were introduced in the Senate.  He sat on nearly every piece of legislation the Republicans suggested, refusing to bring them up for a vote.  Then in the 2014 midterm elections, Harry Reid had to give up his eight year reign when Republicans wrested control of the Senate from the Democrats.  When the new Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, declined to bring Obama’s Supreme Court nominee up for a vote the liberals screamed like banshees.  And this after Democrats in recent years had vowed not to vote on a Supreme Court nominee during a presidential election year!

Use the Nuclear Option:  When Republicans were not approving Obama’s left wing judges quickly enough, Harry Reid and the Democrats in the Senate changed the rules, lowering the vote threshold on all judicial nominees from 60 to a simple majority with the exception of Supreme Court Justices.  Mitch McConnell warned them at the time that they would regret it and now is the time for payback.  Almost every Senate Democrat has vowed to vote against Neil Gorsuch, who by all accounts is an outstanding candidate.  From now on the Republicans should never again rubber stamp a Democrat nominee to the Supreme Court.  In the future we must oppose every anti-constitutional candidate nominated by the Democrats.  That, after all, is how we ended up with Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan!

Clean House:  When a new Republican administration takes control of the White House, they must expeditiously remove all of the officials remaining from the previous administration.  U.S. Attorneys, for example, are political appointees and should be replaced when the White House changes parties.  Hardly a peep was heard from the liberal media when Clinton and Obama replaced them with their own appointees.  But there was a complete melt down when Bush and Trump asked for the resignation of U.S. Attorneys.  With the current leaking and other machinations by remaining Obama appointees in the new Trump Administration, it is imperative that all of them be removed as soon as possible.

Unrelenting Protest Against any New Democrat Administration:  It has become clear that our country is now engaged in a civil war…a war between those who love America and those who hate it.  The disgraceful protests by those on the left against our new president are both astonishing and frightening.  What happened to the traditional ‘honeymoon’ period accorded every other incoming president?  We saw a preview of this when George W. Bush was first elected and the left refused to accept it.  Now we are seeing a much more serious betrayal of our constitution.  The liberal press, the Democrats, the anarchists and other assorted America haters are now conspiring to bring down our duly elected government.  It’s time to take off the gloves and give them some of their own medicine.  The next time a Democrat is elected president, God forbid, we must protest unrelentingly, regardless of their race, sex or any other factor which the PC police might think gives them a pass!          

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Trump’s Uphill Battle

The Trump Movement Isn’t Going Away Any Time Soon

          Donald Trump and his legions of supporters are fighting an uphill battle to win the presidency and ‘Make America Great Again’.  It seems they are in a three-against-one race, which would make it difficult for any candidate to prevail.  Trump is not only up against Hillary Clinton and the Clinton crime family, but also the ultra-liberal media and the establishment ‘Republicans’, if you can even call them that anymore.  It is this later group that has taken everyone by surprise and which stands to lose the most whichever way the election goes.  We’ve all known that the mainstream media has been in the tank for the Democrats since Walter Cronkite cavorted with the Kennedys…but to have establishment Republicans oppose the nominee of their own party?  That is unprecedented!  Perhaps they see the handwriting on the wall.  The movement started by Donald Trump will not simply go away after the election, which all but guarantees that the power of the Rinos will be greatly diminished.

Heroes and Villains

          Regardless of the outcome, the 2016 Presidential Election will change the face of the Republican Party and the conservative movement forever.  Rising to the top like cream in a milk barrel are conservative stalwarts such as Governor Scott Walker, Dr. Ben Carson, Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina.  Joining them at the top will be media commentators like Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs and economist Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal.  Forever shunned from the Republican Party will be former presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, Governor Jeb Bush, Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, Henry Kissinger, George Shultz and Colon Bowel, as well as the phonies at National Review, including Rich Lowry, William Kristol and Jonah Goldberg.  As a sick, confused individual, Glenn Beck will be in a ‘pariah’ class all of his own!  And finally, as much as it hurts, we have to acknowledge how terribly disappointed we all are in our beloved former First Lady Barbara Bush.  With the heroes and villains thus identified, the conservative movement will bound forward with new vigor now that the ‘outed’ quislings are no longer weighing us down.

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Bernie’s Bullies

Bernie’s Brownshirts

          Isn’t it amazing how liberals control the dialogue through the press and Hollywood to such an extent that many people actually believe Trump and his supporters are the ones inciting violence?  The last I checked there have been no reports of Trump supporters disrupting Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton rallies.  All the violence has been perpetrated by Bernie’s Brownshirts trying to suppress freedom of speech at Trump rallies.  In my opinion, Republicans have shown incredible restraint in responding to these bullies who hate America.  Let’s take America back and make it great once again!

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